about us

We are a Verteco creative studio with years of experience in digital and advertising. We enjoy our work incredibly much and you can see it in the result of our work. That’s why we’re one of the few studios that has a policy – if you’re not happy, you don’t pay anything at all! We stand for quality, which is a condition if we are to be paid for something. Feel free to drop us a line and try us out.

ISO 9001 and ISO 14 001.

about us

We are a creative studio with years of experience in digital and advertising.
We enjoy our work incredibly much and you can see it in the result of our work. That’s why we’re one of the few studios that has a policy – if you’re not happy, you don’t pay anything at all! We stand for quality, which is a condition if we are to be paid for something. Feel free to drop us a line and try us out.

ISO 9001 and ISO 14 001 certification.

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DO NOT hesitate to contact us

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Call, write. We are here for you.

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Copyright © echo date(Y);?> Verteco

Dunajská 4
811 08 Bratislava

Štúrova 849
962 12 Detva

Rosinská cesta 13,
010 08, Žilina

ICKO: 51 649 608
VAT NUMBER: 2120735628
VAT NUMBER: SK2120735628

Tatrabanka: SK04 1100 0000 0029 4709 1098
UniCredit: SK35 1111 0000 0016 4785 1003
Words. savings bank: SK27 0900 0000 0051 5411 0037

Copyright © echo date(Y);?> Verteco

Contact us

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+421 948 355 017

Write to us


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+421 948 355 017

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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Partners and certificates
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Office BA
Dunajská 4
811 08 Bratislava

Office ZA
Rosinská cesta 13,
010 08 Žilina

Office DT
Štúrova 849
962 12 Detva

Office KE (opening)
Kukučínova 2,
040 01 Košice

Office NR (opening)
Štefánikova class 14,
949 01 Nitra

Find us online
Employee programmes
Invoicing data

ICKO: 51 649 608
VAT NUMBER: 2120735628
VAT NUMBER: SK2120735628

SK04 1100 0000 0029 4709 1098

Words. savings bank:
SK27 0900 0000 0051 5411 0037

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